Besides which, this particular intoxicated urinator's actions likely have no greater underlying significance than drunken stupidity.
But he may have unintentionally sparked a new form of anti-war protest. Now every left-wing moonbat will be lining up to piss on their local cenotaph at their next big rally against fighting in Iraq/Afghanistan/Sudan/fill in the blank.
Source: Ottawa Citizen
Doesn't he suspiciously look like Rick Mercer????
he may have unintentionally sparked a new form of anti-war protest. Now every left-wing moonbat will be lining up to piss on their local cenotaph at their next big rally against fighting in Iraq/Afghanistan/Sudan/fill in the blank
Man, they better hope it's done under cloak of darkness or not publicized, 'cause in Halifax they're likely to be set upon by a hundred military supporting and revering citizens and given a much-deserved beating.
Where's my bat????
the guy in the photo looks like a proper fool. if they can identify this dick, i hope he's appropriately charged. as for the various readers at different conservative blogs calling for blood, there are far more serious crimes against our humanity committed daily. few get very indignant about starvation, natural disasters. i haven't heard a word from a single blogging tory about the loss of life in spain yesterday. i have as much respect for our war dead as the next man but let's keep some perspective.
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