Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Quebec, or at least the Quebecois, have finally been recognized as a nation within Canada.

But where does that leave the rest of Canada?

I fear that English-speaking Canada has about as much sense of itself as an ethnic nation as Austria did prior to the dissolution of the Habsburg Empire.

There wasn't even an Austria per se in the Empire, merely "Die im Reichsrat vertretenen Königreiche und Länder" ("The Kingdoms and Lands represented in the Imperial Council").

Quebec knows that it is a nation. Do the Anglos among us have that sense as well?


Anonymous said...

I am to the point of YELLING at the TV, Radio, Newspaper and blogs who continually misreport what the motion was.

It has now become "Quebec as a nation" whereas SH recognized the people - not the province.

Arrrgggghhhhhhh. Where did accuracy in reporting go.

Kristin Beaumont-Politics and Other Things said...

Dave...Dave... no !!!!
I like anglophones...this is news to me that that is what the rest of canada thinks...
I, too was quite satisfied with Stephen Harper's explanation of the motion...I am keeping my eyes and ears set on his words and his ability to steer us out of this mess. It is not helped by the media, NOR, is it helped by the Bloc..who are continuing to harrass other parliamentarians in the house of commons with this word quebecois...they are pushing all the stops and want to continue to keep us spinning around.
Get back home Stephen...the ship sails better when you are here...
The House of Commons today was strange...just like the feeling...when the teacher is away...the mice will play.... *sigh*

We only recognized THEIR need to be viewed as a nation... ( some francophones...not even all of them wish this ) oh ok.. the bloc... that is who we were appeasing..

Is it our challenge then to get along with them...even when (the bloc) push so badly...in parliament? We should cut them off at the pass and get on with the business of Canada.

lol..I think I am losing it here...going to stop here...