Thursday, March 23, 2006

Frederick's Of Riyadh

The Saudi government, ever solicitious of women's virtue, has decided to ban men from selling women's underwear and lingerie:

In ads published in several Saudi papers, the ministry of labour called on all women’s clothing shop owners to comply with the decree issued two years ago “in order to increase employment opportunities for Saudi women.”

“Penalties and fines will be levied against store owners and male clerks who violate the ban,” said a statement by the ministry adding that it will go into effect on June 19.

The decree also says that stores selling lingerie must conceal that section from the rest of the shop in compliance with the kingdom’s segregation of the sexes. A number of Saudi women had expressed disquiet at having to buy their underwear from men, Saudi papers reported.

I'm amazed that they let their women wear something other than those tents, even behind closed doors.

Or maybe that's the point. If you can't see anything other than her eyes underneath an abaya, you start to get a little too curious about everything else.

Source: Khaleej Times

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