Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Abra Alghabra

Kathy Shaidle and Lost Budgie are on the hunt for proof that Mississauga-Erindale Liberal candidate Omar Alghabra's made the infamous "victory for Islam" comments.

So far, no one's been able to put those exact words in his mouth, and no one has seen footage of the Rogers Cable tape supposedly contains them.

However, it appears that Markham town councilloe Khalid Osman did take the stage and brag about Islamic power, and Alghabra did not say anything to contradict him.

The fact that this story stayed under wraps for nearly two weeks should have put our suspicions up, especially because the alleged comments were made at a Coptic Church hall. Few people have more reason to suspect or fear Islamic politicians than Coptic Christians, and such a rumour would travel fast in its community.

But if the story is verified, and Alghabra did make those remarks, it will mark the beginning of a frightening new era in Canadian politics.

And it will also show up a significant weakness in the Canadian media--a lack of knowledgable and unbiased reporting about our growing Islamic community and its radicalization.


Ian Hugh Clary said...

I just saw an article on it here:
It freaks me out. I think it needs to get as much exposure as possible.

Thanks for posting on it.

Loyalist said...

How, exactly, will it show up anything about the media?

The Liberal nomination race to replace Carolyn Parrish would have been of more than passing media interest. The story was out there for two weeks and no one picked it up, either because they didn't see its importance (in which case, they were incompetent) or because it didn't fit the liberal media template (in which case, they were complicit).